Saturday, November 6, 2010

25 Things about Me

Due to the fact that I don't have a lot to say about my recent runs, (which is not intended to slight my most recent running buddies--my husband and the boys this morning) I thought I would shake things up a bit and write down some (quite random, really) facts about me.  Just for fun.

25.  I grew up on a farm, but almost failed my "soil science" course in University (much to my dad's disappointment).

24.  I was the shortest kid in my class almost every year of elementary school.

23.  I backed into a parked car on the first day I had my license.

22.  I always back into parking spots, thanks to the incident mentioned in number 23.

21.  The first time my husband met my family was at my Grandmother's funeral.

20.  I was always in trouble for talking too much in class when I was a kid.  Now I am a teacher that talks too much.

19.  I hate crumpled paper.  Or crumpled napkins.  Or...the worst. thing. ever: crumpled tissue. ick.

18.  I secretly hope my kids will sleep in every morning.  This rarely ever actually happens, and I have to make a real effort to be cheery for them at 5:45 or 6am

17.  I hate the taste of mint.  I use fennel flavoured toothpaste exclusively.

16.  I love apple juice.  I could drink a litre of it in one sitting easily.

15.  I dislike the sound of whistling.

14.  I will watch reruns of Friends at every opportunity.  I laugh out loud (literally) at most of the lines from the show, even though I have seen it countless times.

13.  I wish I could travel back in time to the 1940s and 1950s.  Just to experience my parent's childhoods.  They tell me stories, but I really wish I could live it.  Even just for a day.

12.  Regardless  of how many races I have been in, I still get butterflies every time I register for a race.

11.  Often while I am driving in my car, I imagine myself running that same route.

10.  My younger son looks much like I did as a baby.  He also acts the same way (the good and the not-so-good).

9.  I love baking, but really dislike cooking (although watching the food network is fascinating to me).

8.  My older brother and sister would "tickle torture" me as a kid.  I hated it.

7.  I really love nice landscaping, but really don't have the energy for gardening.

6.  I never took swimming lessons, but I have put it on my imaginary "to-do" list.

5.   I feel very lucky to have amazing family and friends in my life.  I am thankful every day for this!

4.  I have always enjoyed daydreaming, and I wish I had more time to do it these days (thankfully I have car rides)!

3.  I love the way morning runs feel, but I also really love the way my bed feels in the morning.  The bed almost always wins.

2.  I knew I would marry my husband within a month of knowing him.  Three years later, it came true.

1.  Some days I am afraid I will smother my children because I hug and kiss them so much.  I am trying to get as much in now as I can before they embarrass more easily.

That's it.  That's 25 things.  I am so happy to have yet another weekend day tomorrow, to enjoy a nice long run and some extra family time.

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