Tuesday, August 23, 2011

oh, summer...please stick around for a while longer!

Last night I felt like I was so speedy, running along in the fresh, cooler air that blew through the area yesterday.  I don't really think I was running much faster.  It was just the relief from the blazing sun and sweat of my usual runs.
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE summer.  These last couple of weeks of summer vacation are always filled with anxiety, even this year, when I am not actually returning to work.  I will be sad not to spend the days wishing I had a swimming pool, running through neighbourhood sprinklers on hot runs, seeing the sweaty heads of my kids when they take off their bike helmets.  Oh, summer, why are you filled with such fun times?
Some of the observations I made last night while out running included...

- running at dusk involves way more bugs.  keep mouth closed when possible.

- if you want to avoid feeling sad that you don't currently have a dog, avoid evening runs, when the entire town brings out their pups for a walk.  It will make you miss your dog waaay more!

- if you want to avoid feeling sad/nostalgic about your younger/non-kid life, when you and your hubs could take said dog for a long stroll all alone without bed times to worry about, avoid those evening runs! (in our house, the evening walk with the kids happens around 6pm when the sun is still way up in the sky!)

- If you live in a small town like I do, that has a conservation area in the middle of it, go out for an evening run just to enjoy the awesome smell of campfire in the air.  Nothing smells more like summer than a campfire!

- Avoid stopping to talk to every person you run by that you know--it really can slow down your productivity (again, this might be a symptom of living in a small town)!

I even stopped to take a photo of the beautiful sky while I was out!  (It is so rare that I have my phone with me, so I took the opportunity)

ahh, summertime :)

Happy Running!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Photo Monday!

Elliott and Milo at the beach
At long last, I have photos to share...

This means, of course, that I am now enjoying my beautiful new computer :)  Here are some highlights of this summer, as captured at a few races, and throughout some of the other adventures we have been up to.


My brother Scott and I at a very sweaty finish line: the Angus  Glen 5 Miler

St. Clair River Run--Catching the breeze off the water

The boys just can't resist a nap on road trips
Proud big brother
It was his idea to wear his helmet in the tree :)
Little Olly and me, after a run

happy running!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pushing It

As I ran solo this morning, I got caught up in thinking about just how easy it is to run all by myself, without the little ones in-tow.  Leaving the house is so quick, not to mention how much pep I seem to have in my step when not pushing the double buggy!

As I ran along, I thought about all of the aspects of pushing the wee ones.  Here is a list of things to consider when "pushing it" with kids along for the ride...

  1. Plan pint-sized snacks.  This usually starts at the grocery store for me.  I buy snacks that I know will pack easily for the boys.  Also, I keep said snacks hidden away so they are a "treat" on the run.  Dry cereal, raisins, grapes, apple slices, etc. are always good.  I make a baggie for each boy with a variety of items.  I also keep granola bars and raisins in the buggy at all times for emergency situations. (by emergency, I mean "situation that requires mommy to bribe the kid with food").
  2. Drinks are essential as well.  Really the best bet is water.  If you give them juice, they guzzle it back then require a pit-stop (I have endured many of these!) and who needs that much sugar, anyway!
  3. Keeping conversation with the kids is a good way to keep yourself from overdoing it.  Sometimes singing songs for them can get to be a little much though, and people will stare.
  4. One of my son's first sentences was, "Go, Mama Go!" which he chanted on one of the big hills on our route.  It is so nice to hear those words from the little ones :)
  5. Choosing footwear for tag-alongs under the age of 2 is tricky.  Shoes that they can kick off are a poor choice.  I have added many an extra mile due to back-tracking to find lost footwear.  Same goes for hats, mitts, etc.  Kids like to drop things just to see it fall, I swear.  I started leaving their shoes in the basket below until they were getting out.
  6. Those "weather shield" things are a great idea.  I use inexpensive plastic ones that have small holes for breathability.  No matter how much you spend on them, they always get all gross after a while, so it is nice not to spend a lot of money on them, in my opinion.  Having one really helps block wind and rain, thus keeping the kiddies happy.
  7. Making a fun trip to the park at the end of the run is a good way to bribe motivate the kids to behave throughout those last couple of miles.
  8. Use the safety strap, at least on hills!  I have visions of the buggy getting away from me if I were to trip or fall.  Better safe than sorry, especially when going down steep hills!
  9. Don't forget that the running buggy is a great place to carry your own personal items like a water bottle, cell phone, etc.  One of the pluses of pushing all of that weight!
  10. Getting out with the kids for a run is sometimes a perfect way to clear everyone's head.  When we are having a rough day around our house, sometimes a good run out in the buggy is just the fresh air and break my kids need.  And if it doesn't make them happier, at least I am out in the fresh air, where their whining and screaming doesn't bother me as much ;)

file photo: Elliott and Milo ready for a run

I love that my running is so normal to my boys.  Even my little guy Oliver seems to enjoy his time in the buggy.  I am eager for the days when my oldest can bike along beside us while we run.  (and even more eager for the day when they can run with me!)

happy running, with or without the little ones!

p.s.  My brother's dog always jumps in the basket under his running buggy to go along for the ride...talk about bringing the whole family along!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where have I been?!

Wow, summer sure gets the best of me and writing posts!  My motivation to post has been killed a bit by the fact that my computer is dying a slow death and no longer has space to allow me to download photos.  Boo!

I have been out enjoying the summer air (okay, sometimes stifling hot muggy air) with runs that include at least part of my family most of the time.  Those combinations include me + Oliver, me + Elliott and Milo, me + Husband + all three kids, etc. etc.  So many combos to choose from!  It is nice that we can all go out together.  The boys love having their parents "race".  This morning on our run, Elliott asked if he could switch to have Mama push him, as he wanted to "win".  Smart kid.

I have also been enjoying adding the 'long run' back into my weeks.  For now, the long run totals 10 miles, (a year ago I ran 10 miles a few times every week, sigh) and I have been loving it.  I even took music along with me this week (!).  I have been listening to the same music while running for years now.  Occasionally I add a new song or two, but for the most part, the music remains constant.  I don't really listen to music that is up beat or peppy while running--I am more about nostalgic tunes that are predictable.  I wonder what that says about me?  Perhaps that is why it is best that I only ever listen to music on long runs?!  I would probably slow down otherwise.

In other news...

My little Oliver is now 4 months old!  How does time fly to quickly?  He is rolling around, loving his brother's attention and making me smile with every little coo and goo he makes :)

Happy Running!