Sunday, May 5, 2013

Please, pass the sunscreen!

When will I learn?

There is a word that I really need to familiarize myself with.  Or better yet, an action I need to get better at.


I need to train my brain to do more than just slather on the 'screen in the morning.  Especially when I am out running (and sweating) for hours.  I had to deal with a terrible burn after Boston last year (it was just so HOT that I was soaked from all of the sprinklers and sponges, ice and water that was tossed in my direction, that the layer of sunscreen I started the day under was long gone by the time I crossed the finish line.

This year, I did the same thing again.  It wasn't as hot, but I still sweat and sponged away that layer of 60 sunscreen that I just assumed would protect me yet again.

Today was the first track and field meet of the season!  It was fun to experience the excitement and nerves the students felt, some of them at their first ever event. Of course I put on sunscreen. I even brought along the tube of it in my backpack. The day started out a little foggy, but by noon it was a gorgeous sunny day. It didn't feel hot though. I put on my sunglasses and ignored that little tube.

Then, on the bus ride home, my arms started to warm up. Dang it.

Another layer of sun on my skin. (Not a burn, but still more sun than I needed).

I am so diligent with sunscreen on my children. They know the drill. Why can't I get it together and take some responsibility here?

I am writing about this here, because I really need to own this whole thing. I know how serious sun damage can be.  I am pledging to reapply more often.
*and if anyone has any tips out there, as to how I can keep sunscreen on through swimming/biking/running events, I would appreciate it, although I have a sneaking suspicion that "reapplication" is probably the tip I will get, no?

It is April 30th, and I already have farmer's tan. Yeesh.

Happy slathering running!

p.s.  I might try to bring back fluorescent was so cool in the 80's!

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